Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What to blog

Blogging isn't designed for those who want to be thorough. It might take hours or days to collect all the links, cross-references, photos and other media to fully encompass an idea or story. As such, blogs typically restrict themselves to text and are shoved out in 15 minute bursts or less. The result, however, is that bloggers incriminate against themselves.

This world appears to be taken by some spirit against censoring. I would have to say, however, that we should be careful to censor ourselves. Blogging is essentially placing an intimate thought or idea right in Big Brother's lap. There have been several blogs and even entire sites that I pulled after finding out that certain people had been viewing them and using them as fuel against me. I've seen others terribly burnt in social circles or even in their careers because of some seemingly innocuously blog post.

I don't know much about psychology, but I'm certain that each person on earth has some level of dark side - that if released, uncensored, would be worst than any Mr. Hyde that Louis Stevenson could conjure up in his imagination. And like the fictional story, feeding that dark ego only excites its hunger more. I think it's because we all know that we have the capacity to become vicious animals that we attack others to draw attention away from ourselves. We see this mud slinging during campaigns quite often because it's so effective.

When I think of something off the wall to blog about - like aliens, Nephilim, apocalyptic end-times, borg-like world rulers... or when I think of something more commentary to blog about - like flaws in homeland security, my view of the government, any of the problems with the open sexuality of our world, or distrust towards certain executive officers ... I have to think about how it might impact me five years down the line; there's consideration on how it will be used against me.

I am concerned about the type of government that's starting to take shape. The Homeland Security Act has turned out to be a gateway to imprisoning America to terror, not liberating us from it. Miniature tyrants within the system have taken the HSA and turned it against patriotic America-loving civilians and visitors to the point now that nations of the world, even the citizens of America itself, are beginning to loathe America.

I'm just as concerned about certain changes in the biological environment. This includes the sudden disappearance of honeybees and oceanic toxin-producing algae. Both are examples of catastrophes in modern times that seem prophetic in the context of the end times mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation.

I could mine dozens, if not hundreds, of commentaries from the former two paragraphs alone. It's not that there is such splendid variety of topics that I can't make up my mind what to blog about. It's the ever increasing power being handed to the TSA, the RIAA, the ACLU, the local and federal police that give me hesitation. It's the continual reinterpretation of the Constitution even though it stood well, virtually unchanged for 150 years.

Whatever new laws are in place in the future are what will strike down on bloggers for what they blog about now. The process will involve executing future laws on past (current) actions even though the laws don't exist to forbid you to perform those actions at this time.

We already see gross discrimination happening towards people without consideration of the cultural changes between the event blogged about and current times.


At Tuesday, May 08, 2007 11:55:00 AM, Blogger Secret Rapture said...
My inaugural address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions! The Secret Rapture soon, by my hand!
Read My Inaugural Address
My Site=http://www.angelfire.com/crazy/spaceman
At Tuesday, May 08, 2007 12:54:00 PM, Blogger Bri said...
Hmm.... interesting thought. Maybe if I draw in enough crazed alien fanatics into my blog the government won't take me seriously.
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