Thursday, July 02, 2009

New Textures - Two Introductory Sets

When I was young I just wanted to make stuff for the pleasure of it. When I got older I was told that wasn't a way to make a living.

I disagree. God made things for a living so I guess those people's attempts to civilize me into a common worker bee never quite stuck because of my higher childlike "ideals".

My parents were pretty good with supporting me through it. Mom is an excellent painter and Dad is a great musician. They weren't like the other grown ups who usually attended school board council meetings. That is, they weren't looking for a way to build a society - just looking for a way to raise great kids.

If more people took up their personal responsibility to raise their kids instead of handing their kids off to the village (idiots) to raise them, I think they would discover that children are important... they're a joy... they bring back those squishy playdough, colored in fingerpaint, bruised knees from playing in the rocks moments. That imagination is never really lost - not completely, anyway - it's just suppressed. And like a good expectorant, when you have kids that creativity just spits right back up!

Enjoy the free cave and art textures:
Cave Textures
Art Textures


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