Thursday, August 07, 2008

Biblical evidence against "Stone Tape Theory"

I recently read a good article that questions the assumptions most paranormal investigators make about "stone tape theory." Other than that, I recently came across a Bible verse in psalms that dispels the core logic of stone tape theory.

Stone tape theory, also known as residual hauntings, is the idea that a ghost repeats itself. Usually at a specific timed event, such as the anniversary of that spirit's embodied death, or at the stroke of midnight. Stone tape theory is the idea behind what causes it while a residual haunting is the phenomenon itself. What stone tape theory proposes is that the earth can record certain events if the conditions are right and play them back under some set of special conditions (similar or otherwise).

I've been a pretty strong proponent of STT until recently because of a misunderstanding of Genesis 4:10 where Abel's blood cries out from the ground. But what brought me back to looking at that verse was a recent wandering to Psalm 103:15-16. In both Psalm 103:16 and in Job 7:10, a specific reference is made that the place does not remember the deceased.

As a place, a bed of limestone - even a magnetically charged one - should not remember anything. That means one of three things.

1. People who "see" ghosts are mad, hence the surge of reports reflects the overall human race traveling down the road of insanity.
2. Supernatural occurrences are happening more frequently but being misinterpreted as ghosts.
3. The media is a lying and the supernatural/ghost craze is perceptual, or worse, is another instance of life following after "art" (if you can call anything on TV "art").

I have to admit, though, a riveting thriller from Ambrose Bierce, Washington Irving or Ray Bradbury gives me pause to think about mortality and the mysteries of a world bound to it.

Call me cynical but everyone is born inherently evil; selfishness, greed, envy, spite, anger, bitterness, arrogance and pride exhume themselves like Hollywood zombies from our rotting hearts starting the day we're born. It takes extraordinary care, work and divine intervention to draw us away from our own natural disaster.

Perhaps it's these ghosts in our mind that keep chasing us. We each have our own tell-tale heart. After all, that's what Stone Tape Theory is, isn't it? Rocks that tell a tragic tale over and over again until those who hear it go mad.

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